Hotel CIMAR Dus Room Excelsior
Regole di annullamento
Cancellation conditions: Cancellation should take place in writing and is be dated. The customer cannot derive any rights from a verbal cancellation. The date on which the written confirmation of the cancellation is received will be considered the definite date of cancellation. The cancellation fee will be based upon the total value of the reservation, as within the most recent confirmation of the group, event, or conference. This cancellation clause applies to the following types of cancellations: When the entire event is cancelled. When the entire event is rescheduled to a different date Cancellation of hotel bedrooms Up to 60 days before the arrival date, no charges. Between 60 and 30 days before the arrival date, 1 night will be charged. All rooms cancelled 45 days or less before the arrival date will be charged at 100% of the cancelled reservation value. No shows will be charged at I00% of the cancelled reservation value. Refunds will be made in the following ways: For payments received by credit or debit cards, the same credit/debit card will be refunded. For all other payments, a bank transfer will be made to the payee nominated account. Important: For payments received from outside the EU by bank transfer, the refund will be made by bank transfer and all bank charges will be for the registrant’s account. The policy as stated on this page is valid from January 2024.
Dettagli di contatto
Fuori Rotta Eventi & Congressi srl, Via Engels, 32, Montescaglioso, MT, Italia